Saturday, September 12, 2020

Book review: Fate Malthusia

Hi there, pornies. I hope you are all okay and have had a good weekened, because you will want to stay calm when reading this one. Trust me, this sh*t's DARK AF, and I loved it because of that. It's one hell of a ride is a dystopian, sci-fi future where gender and sex are all that matter for a rising society to rise. I'm speaking about Fate Malthusia, by Emma Jaye. Thanks to Gay Book Promotions for sending me a copy of this book!

  • Saga: Malthusia #1
  • Print Length: 410 pages
  • Publisher : Purindoors Publications (August 14, 2020)
  • Publication Date : August 14, 2020
  • Genres: Science Fiction, Horror, LGBT+, Omegaverse, Dystopia
  • Rating: 5 / 5 stars
Our Perfect society is Tainted.
The Three Faced God should have chosen my Fate, should have molded me according to the needs of my fellow Malthusians, but some assume they are above even God. I should have been at least a beta, hopefully an alpha, but never this.
They thought changing my body would change my soul, that I’d be a compliant omega while they used and experimented on me. Others die, others submit, and say its their Fate. I know different. A malthusian caused this, one of my own kind. They think they’ve won, but I’ll win, simply by living another second, another day. But can I survive alone?

Let me get this straight. This society is so NOT perfect. Period. Not a chance. It's everything you we should never, ever become: a misogynist world where alphas have the last word despite being a minority. You get a full, wide picture of what living in Malthusia is like in this first book, the responsabilities an alpha, beta and omega have to carry, each fulfilling a role for this society to function.

In a world ruled by social, biological and religious complex rules and expectation, the characters of this novel defy everythign they have been taught to be. Every conception, idea and expectation is shattered and burn to ashes in their quest for freedom, but the costs may seem to big, even if the reward is just as big. The reason's that there are all kind of horrors waiting for them.

Emma Jave made me shiver, gasp, smile, cry (and almost scream) witht his book. Seriously, this is so not apt for soft hearts, but the the world and characters are way too complex, too interesting and d*mn fascinating I couldn't put it down. She has a great style, a (weird kind of) love for her characters, along with new ideas that I totally want to see develop in the future.

It's been a long time since I read somethig this addictive. Fate Malthusia put me on the edge almost with every single freaking chapter, but I loved it. The ending was so bitter sweet I gasped, noticing the chaarcters changed more than I thought they would, and not in the direction I wanted them to, which I'm still traying to accept because of the consequences this may cause in the future. This saga got the right starting point, laying the grounds for an epic development I can't wait to see! Just a word of caution: rape is the softest thing you'll find here.

About Emma Jaye:
Emma is the #1 Amazon Bestselling Author of Hybrid, Call Girls, Paint, Lies, and Incubus. Born in Hungry Bottom (yes, it's a real place) as an unexpected twin, she was destined to be a little different! She loves putting damaged, often sweet and funny characters through hell before letting them have a well earned HFN or HEA, Writing in a wide swathe of genres, from Sci-fi, paranormal, and contemporary romance with m/f, m/m and multiple partner characters, although she leans more towards m/m these days. She blame her rebellious muse (who looks like Chris from the Paint Series) for the erotic aspects tickling the angst, and the humour cuddling up with the erotic. If you want to keep up with her spicy, quirky imagination, you can find her online. She always answer questions and comments from readers, so feel free to get in touch.

Have you read this book? Would you recommend it or not? Let me know in the comments! Kinky regards, K!

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