Monday, October 19, 2020

Recomended Necromancy Videos

Hi pornies. How was your weekend? Mine was filled with readings, hehe. Among so many books and so little time, I am having regular rests between one and the other, and I found three interesting videos on Saturday night about Necromancy.

While I wrote about it in the past, this irst one summarizes and extends some of the ideas I had. It explains some of the history behind this school of magic (please let me know when the classes begin) and why it was seens as bad, disrespectful and harmful. The practices associated with it are also included, so it will give you an idea of what it meant to be a Necromancer in the past and what you had to do in order to successfully summon the dead.

There is also another one which goes a bit deeper and gives historical examples of what was necromnacy, figures who were charged with this praciced and condemned because of that. If you liked the first one, this will give you a bit more about its history.

Finally, a shorter one, where British philologist and Assyriologist Irving Finkel, curator in the Middle East department of The British Museum, explains how Necromancy was performed in Ancient Mesopotamia. It's a rather interesting method and I'd like to know more about it in particular. Guess I'll have to do some research and see what I can find.

So there you go. I hope you find these videos interesting and that thye give you some ideas if you want to try this out. I was surprised with the last video, because I have one raven skull necklace (the skull is artificial, just in case) that I use in my Necromancy session. Guess I wasn't that mad as I thought when I commissioned it, hehe.

Kinky regards, K!

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