Friday, June 26, 2020

Book review: Going Within in a Time of Crisis

Good morning, pornies. How are you feeling today? Anyone in the mood to go inside? Like, deep inside of yourself? I have the perfect book to help you in the process, which is part of a helpful collection. I’m speaking about Resilience: Going Within in a Time of Crisis, by P. T. Mistlberger. Many thanks to the publisher for sending me a copy in exchange for an honest review!

  • Series: Resilience
  • Print Length: 96 pages
  • Publisher: Changemakers Books (May 15, 2020)
  • Publication Date: May 15, 2020
  • ISBN-10: 1789046874
  • ISBN-13: 978-1789046878
  • Rating: 4/5 stars
During a time of crisis, we are presented with something of a fork in the road; either look within and examine ourselves, or engage in distractions and go further to sleep. This book is for those seeking deeper self-understanding, and offers several avenues for doing so, all of which are connected to the theme of going within. This a time of opportunity for men and women interested in deepening their inner work via tools such as meditation, shadow work, conscious relating, dream work, and other activities. In traversing these challenging times, let this book be your guide. The "Resilience Series" is the result of an intensive, collaborative effort of our authors in response to the 2020 coronavirus epidemic. Each volume offers expert advice for developing the practical, emotional and spiritual skills that you can master to become more resilient in a time of crisis.

How many times have we heard the phrase “look inside of you”? In any spiritual context, no matter the faith or relationship with the universe you may have, chances are you came across it at least a hundred times, but seldom do we get to really understand what it means, asks and requires to do so. This book solves the problem for beginners like me, who want detailed instructions and expert advice.

P. T. Mistlberger goes straight to the point when explaining where our “negative” feelings come from, introduces us to concepts like the Jungian Shadow, how to work with it, and explores several strategies to understand those aspects of ourselves that we tend to avoid, deny or hide, or the three at the same time.

This is a healing, magical book. Short, quick to be done with, yet filled with useful information on how to be a better version of ourselves, how to deal with our feelings when a crisis comes and not lose it in the process.

The changes you need to do in order to accomplish this are not easy and will put you face to face with all of the demons you’d rather not look at. It will take you into an uncomfortable path, but the path of healing rarely is. Although inspired by the present covid-19 pandemic, Resilience: Going Within in a Time of Crisis is a tool to cope with all kinds of crisis.

About P. T. Mistlberger:
P.T. Mistlberger is a transpersonal therapist, seminar leader, and author. From monasteries in the Tibetan highlands to Tantric ashrams in India, the monuments of Egypt to stone circles of Britain and Native sweat lodges in British Columbia, he has scoured the globe seeking the best of the world's wisdom traditions. P.T. has founded several personal growth communities and esoteric schools and taught in numerous cities around the world. He lives in Vancouver, Canada.

Have you read this book? Would you recommend it or not? Let me know in the comments! Kinky regards, K!

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