Monday, June 22, 2020

Queer Pagan Interview: Chris Allaun

Hi pornies! Welcome back to my blog (OkNo). Today I come with an interview I had with Pagan author, teacher and healer Chris Allaun. We talked about sexuality, witchcraft and his role on The Fellowhip of the Phoenix, and for the first time I had the chance to have a live chat with someone. It got me out of my confort zone, but that' what growing up is about. I hope you like it!

1. Which came first: Witchcraft or Queer Identity?

Well I've always known I was gay since I was little. I got into witchcraft when I was 17.

2. How would you describe your path as a Witch?
I'm a lover of knowledge and magical wisdom so my path is a combination of Traditional Witchcraft, Heathenism, Ceremonial Magick, and Spirit Walking. Spirit Walking is using indigenous spiritual techniques. I'm trying not to use the term shamanism because that word belongs to a different culture. I also do necromancy and energy healing.

3. Yes, and I read that Shamanism is actually a negative term that shouldn't be used.
I wouldn't say negative. Think of it like reading a few Jewish books and then calling yourself a rabbi.

4. Oh, so it's more about avoiding culture appropriation, respecting the background of those who earned the title.
Exactly! You got it!

5. Awesome! Good to have that cleared. By the way, it’s not the first time I hear about a queer witch working on necromancy. Do you feel your sexuality has played a role in it?
In necromancy? No, not really. But, I do think that gay men are more in touch with their spiritual side. I guess you could say that gay people are forced to deal with shadow all the time. We had to deal with the shadows of others who are abusive so we don’t shy away from darker things.

6. So we had kind of a previous training, I like that!
Maybe that's a part of our destiny, to face the shadow so we can help other's heal.

7. Oh, awesome! And what about witchcraft? Do you think being gay has influenced you as a witch?
I don’t think being gay itself influenced me in witchcraft, but I did come to realize that witchcraft is for the oppressed to find their own truth, so it did help me become very unapologetic in my sexuality as a gay man.

8. It empowered you, in short. You're one of the founders and an ordained minister with The Fellowship of the Phoenix. What is this tradition about?
Yes. We celebrate the queer spirit for all LGTBQ+ people. We honor the earth, the universe, and the transformative force of the phoenix. Our goal is to transform ourselves to walk our own individual path in power and to come together to heal ourselves and heal the world where we can.

9. Why the Phoenix? Would you say it is related to Queer people besides being a metaphor for transformation?
The Phoenix is about transformation. Once the phoenix dies it is consumed by the flames and is reborn anew. I think this is the path of the witch and hopefully all spiritual people-to transform the old self and be reborn into a spiritually evolved being. The Phoenix is also the transformative fires of the Universe.

10. So healing is first and foremost. Also, in the past, this tradition was only for gay men, hence its original name, Brotherhood of the Phoenix. Why did you decide to be more open?
We decided to change for many reasons. One reason is that there is a wonderful community of LBT women who resonate with the spiritual path of transformation. Another reason is that it was time for us to be more inclusive to the entire LGTBQ+ community. With these energies joining us and transforming the Brotherhood into The Fellowship of the Phoenix we have been transformed into a stronger spiritual tradition.

11. You burned and rose again like the phoenix, then.
LOL, you can certainly say that.

12. Hahahaha. So, which do you think is the most significant challenge for gay Pagans? What about queer Pagans in general? Also, what would you say makes Fellowship of the Phoenix unique?
I think gay pagans have many of the same challenges that many gay people do. We have body image issues, race issues, economic issues, and so forth. I don’t think being a gay which makes the issues go away, but it does give us the tools to better ourselves so we are better equipped to face our issues and evolve spiritually upon our chosen path.
The Fellowship is a group that really embraces the queer spirit and celebrates each other uniqueness and the individual gifts that we all bring to the table. We also focus on queer gods. We allow each person to have their own view of the gods. The gods come to each of us in a unique expression just as each of us have a unique expression.

13. Looking back in time, let's say, five years ago, which is your most significant change?
For me or for the Fellowship?

14. I’m going to be greedy. Both?
Haha. Personally, I can say it is becoming published and being able to share my experiences with a greater audience. I think I'm changing all the time. I never stop learning and I never stop spiritually evolving. My goal is always to go deeper into the mysteries and connect with the gods, ancestors, and nature spirits. For the Fellowship it was definitely opening up to all LGTBQ+ people.

15. Being published is definitely a big change! What are your plans for the future?
I have a book, "Otherworld: Ecstatic Witchcraft for the Spirits of the Land" due out in November and another book out Fall of 2021. Once everything settles with COVID I hope to resume teaching in person not just on Zoom. I'm also looking forward to connecting with more witches and pagans in person. I'm very excited about it.

16. Finally, which would be your advice for young, future Witches and Pagans?
Books are great, but you need to have experiences. Attend rituals, join study groups, and attend Pagan gatherings. Witchcraft and magick is about tangible experiences. We need to experience magick, the earth, and our Pagan community. Also, don't give up your magical studies. Go deeper in your magick. Also, don't be afraid to check out other traditions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoist healing, and so forth. Each of these things can show you a different aspect of the energies in the Universe.

Follow Chris

The Fellowship of the Phoenix

Kinky regards, K!

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