Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Reclaiming Power with a Bi Fire Circle

I just published my first ever Patreon post, and it felt so good, let me tell you! I had an experience a few days ago, I decided to let things flow, see what would happen, and I've felt wonderful since then. I'm glad it is the first post, to be honest, because it's a practice I'll start implementing more often.
Image by Gloria Williams from Pixabay.
Here's a small sneak peek in case you're wondering what it's about:
A few days ago I was meditating to control my nerves, put some order in my head, and stop whatever was going in my mind. I was under a lot of stress and anxiety, and, I won't lie, also frustrated for not writing here. When I started meditating, paying attention to my breathing, I pictured myself in a dark place, but something happened: I saw purple fire, Bi Fire, in my heart.

I know the descriptions might sound somewhat dramatic, but given that I listen to dramatic music that makes me feel all-mighty and powerful, I guess it shouldn't be a surprise. Right now I'm listening to I Prevail's True Power, for example.

When I opened that Patreon, I wanted to make sure that it would be a place to share my personal experiences and ideas, but also invite people to give them a try. That's exactly what i kept in mind as I rote that first post and shared the details, and I hope you decide to give it a try.

Anyway, I just wanted to share the hype of the moment with you kuties, and hopefully persuade you to support me and subscribe. There's more content on the way! *wink wink*

Kinky regards, K!

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Remember this blog lusts after your comments and shares to grow healthy!

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