Monday, May 23, 2022

Mourndays: Suicide and Necromancy

Hi pornies, I hope you've been good and had a nice weekend. I was thinking a few days ago about death, and I realized there's something I want to share here. I always speak about necromancy, how I contact the dead, and there's a lot of words out there about it, however, we seldom hear about suicidals.
Having dealt with suicidal thoughts in the past, I guess it would surprise some that I feel inclined to practice necromancy, or maybe they would consider it a morbid fascination I developed after it. Not entirely true, to be honest. I've always been curious about near-death experiences, had a few on my life so far, and this interest only grew as I matured.

When I was facing suicidal thoughts, I wasn't thinking about actually dying, but desperately asking the Gods and the universe that I wanted to feel loved. I've read many times already that a lot of people who consider suicide don't want to really die, but the pain to end. That was my case. I was so hurting, so depressed, anxious, so insecure, in such a black, lonely hole mentally, emotionally, and spiritually speaking, that I just wanted to rest. If rest meant dying, then I could think about it. And then I would get horrified at myself.

What does this mean for necromancy? Keeping this in mind, and looking at the hypothetical scenario were I died by suicide and someone was interested in talking with me by using necromancy, what would be my standards? What would be okay for me in that case? Of course I'd get mad, but if it was to help someone else, I would do it without question.

Of course, I can only think what it would be like, but putting myself in those shoes, becoming that same 17 years old guy, if I was dead, I would rather be called to help someone not to make the same mistakes. I was always there for my friends, I listened to them, tried to give them the best advice I could, and loved being the reason they felt better after talking. If I lost the battle, at least I would have liked to help others get stronger.

This doesn't mean every dead suicidal thinks the same, every head is different, every mind is a universe, so my first answer would always be to stay away from suicidals when doing necromancy. Just send them love and healing. If they, however, had a certain interest in something, if there was something that gave them hope, happiness, and solace, you could consider if it's worth a try. There's a long list of dead people out there eager to help, so what could a suicidal offer you that they couldn't? If it was my case, I would only say: I want to heal, myself and others, but that's me.

The final choice will always be personal. Some people can argue that suicidals know what it is like to live like that, and such a contact would require a major protection before and a massive cleansing afterwards. My suggestion? Contact someone who had suicidal thoughts, but died after overcoming them. It sounds like a safer, more polite option for me.

Kinky regards, K!

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