Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Book review: Broth from the Cauldron

Hi, pornies! I hope you had a wonderful weeked! Mine could have been better, honestly, although some of you already know one of the reasons why it was good for me. ^^ Keep it secret, please. Another reason that I can make public is that I was reading a lot, and I mean A LOT. I got a book that makes you think about death, dying, past lives and even suicide that I really really liked. Today I'm talking about Broth from the Cauldron: A Wisdom Journey through Everyday Magic, by Cerridwen Fallingstar. Thanks to the publisher for sending me a review copy!

  • Print Length: 280 pages
  • Publisher: She Writes Press (May 12, 2020)
  • Publishing Date: May 12, 2020
  • ISBN-10: 1631526995
  • ISBN-13: 978-1631526992
  • Rating: 4/5 stars
Broth from the Cauldron is a collection of “teaching stories,” a literary Wiccan soup for the soul. It is a distillation of the wisdom Cerridwen Fallingstar has gathered from her journey through life, and from her forty years as a Shamanic teacher and Wiccan Priestess. At turns poignant and humorous, it chronicles her trajectory from a Republican cold war upbringing to Pagan Priestess, offering a portrait of a culture growing from denial to awareness. Accessible to any audience interested in personal growth, Broth from the Cauldron is for anyone who’s ever stood at the crossroads wishing a faery godmother would come along and show them the path.

I will start by saying that you will want to take it easy with this one. There are MANY stories in this book, all of which with valuable lessons and morals, messages you will want to dwell with for a while, and then move the next ones. Although it’s not a topic or something said in the book, maybe writing down your feelings and thoughts on some of them would be a good plus for some of you. 

This collection of tales and memories of the author puts you in the shoes of a powerful Wiccan witch that knows what she’s talking about, or writing, in any case. I felt I was having a chat with Cerridwen Fallingstar every time I got started with a new chapter, a new story from her life, and I cannot help but feel so warm towards her. This is not just someone telling stories, this is a witch opening her very soul for all to see! 

There are several accounts on how death, loss, grief, and near-death experiences marked her and her path, how she learned from them, and you also get to feel what it would be like to be in this position. Although some of the stories felt way too fantastical for me, mostly those from the author’s childhood, there are others I really resonated with. There’s a bit of everything for everyone.

With a direct style and simple yet powerful voice, Cerridwen Fallingstar gives you a window into the real life of a real witch, in case you may wonder what it was like to grow up knowing, feeling, seeing things other kids didn’t. Broth from the Cauldron: A Wisdom Journey through Everyday Magic amazed me with every page!

About Cerridwen Fallingstar:
Cerridwen Fallingstar is a shamanic Witch who has taught classes in magic and ritual for over thirty years. She gives lectures tying together psychology, spirituality, history, contemporary issues, and politics in an entertaining, enlightening, and humorous format. She is the author of three historical novels based on her past lives: The Heart of the Fire, White as Bone, Red as Blood: The Fox Sorceress, and White as Bone, Red as Blood: The Storm God. She lives in Marin County, California.

Have you read this book? Would you recommend it or not? Let me know in the comments! Kinky regards, K!

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