Friday, January 12, 2024

Cleansing with Amethyst Fire

I tried something different at the beginning of this year. My house needed some cleansing, which became obvious when I was having nightmares, insomnia, my relatives experienced headaches, heard things, and had weird dreams as well. Doing some checking and consulting, I found that there was a lot of residual energy in different rooms, so I decided to do my job, but all of a sudden I thought: What if I use Amethyst Fire?
Following the protocol I usually use, I stuck to the structure to center my energy, clean myself, connect with the Divine, but changed when I reached cleansing part. Instead of visualizing white light or moonlight, which I've always worked with, it was Amethyst Fire that I pictured, which surely felt different.

While the other two always gave me a sense of calm and serenity, it always took me a long time to cleanse everything. This time it was much faster, although I wouldn't classify it as violent, but more like transformative. Changing. It was as if the residues became something different, something better, actually useful, instead of just stagnating the energy.

The process was also a bit different. Instead of light beams going everywhere, the flames went straight to where I felt they needed to, and then expanding to the rest of the room. Mostly, the went to the corners, windows, and doors, until the whole place was ablaze (in my head, of course). Then it consumed itself just as fast as it had ignited. Not even smoke remained.

Call me biased, but I feel much better than before, full of energy, and capable of getting stuff done. My family is also feeling better. So... I might do it again, just to make sure I'm not influencing myself. In the mean time, feel free to do it as well if you identify as a bi+ person, and share your experiences. I'm eager to know if you get the same results!

Kinky regards, K!

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