Thursday, March 11, 2021

Queer Pagan Interview: Chris Allaun on the Otherworld

Rise and shine, pornies! I hope you are okay and are in the mood to discover a different approach to the Otherworld beings by the hand of an author. I wanted to have a second interview with Chris Allaun about his most recent book after reading it so he could tell you more about them and his work with them. You can fin find his social media at the end so you can follow him, which I strongly suggets if you resonate with anything he said here. ^^ Thanks to him for accepting doing it! You can read my review for the book and the first interview I had with the author here in the blog as well!
1. When did you start to work with the otherworld?
I’ve been working with the Otherworld since I was a child. I lived in the country and I would often take long walks in the woods and speak with the “invisible” people who lived there. I was formally trained in witchcraft of the Otherworld in 2001.

2. Was there any particular reason for this? Should someone have a specific reason to start doing it?
Being a witch, Spirit Walker, or magician you will always work with the spirits of the Otherworld. By raising energy and calling the quarters you are working with the Otherworld. Most witches like working with the faeries and elves so working with the Otherworld is a must!

3. What do you think makes the Otherworld different to the Upperworld and the Underworld?
Sometimes it’s a matter of language. In Celtic cosmology there isn’t necessarily an Upperworld, Midworld, and Underworld. That comes from neo-shamanism. The Otherworld encompasses all of those things, but for the purposes of this book I’m referring to the Otherworld of the land spirits. Spirits such as faeries, elves, dragons, animal and plant spirits.

4. You spoke about the sugar-coated image we have about the fairies since the Victorian Era. Do you think there is some truth in it? Can we learn something from it?
Those little winged beings of the Victorian period are not traditional faeries. I know this may be killing a pagan sacred cow, but that’s not found in myths, legends, or lore. It was the Christian Victorian way of controlling pagan magick and occult principles. Make them small and you make them more manageable. I feel like it would be like saying the dinosaurs were teddy bears. No. That’s not correct. However some people may psychically see spirits as small and winged but those are not faeries.

5. Apart from this image, which is the most common misconception or question you think people have about otherworldly creatures?
That everything is friendly and meant to help us on our journey. This shows are elitism and quite frankly are colonialism. Meaning, this is our way of “taming” wild spirits of nature to fit our narrative. If we want to learn and work with Otherworld beings we need to establish a relationship with them and build trust and show them loyalty. We have a tendency to think that the world revolves around us and it doesn’t. We are part of the ecosystem and not the head of it. By showing Otherworld spirits respect and honor they will in turn show us respect-if they feel like it.

6. Do you think working with them has changed you in a way?
That’s hard to say because I’ve always worked with them. But I have taken oaths to certain Otherworld gods and spirits and have a working relationship with them. That has changed me or rather that has helped me spiritually evolve to such a way that I am connected to the ebb and flow of the land. The spirits see this in my aura, or anyone’s aura who works with them, and I am welcome with them. Once we establish a relationship with the Otherworld spirits they will teach you the deeper magics of the Otherworld. Like faery healing-that’s a big one.
7. What safety measures could one take when working with these creatures?
I’m trained in Lakota spirituality. We don’t take “safety measures” with the spirits of nature. Yes, in the lore you can find spells and charms against elf shot, faeries stealing your livestock or child, or even curses. Most of those spells I find are done in Medieval times. When Christians were afraid of the pagan spirits. But I don’t operate like that. If you see the spirits as a potential enemy they will always be a potential enemy. We are a part of the same Web of Wyrd-we are connected. One doesn’t use charms against birds, horses, or foxes because they have the right to live in nature just as we do. Likewise with faeries, elves, or any other nature spirit. I allow all spirits in my home. All are welcome. I’ve noticed they extend me the same courtesy most times.

8. What about the bothersome kind? Have you any experience with dangerous fairies and/or elves?
Not at all. I treat all Otherworld spirits with respect, honor, and courtesy so I’m never fearful. That being said, not all tribes of elves or fey want to be my friend. But because I work with Faeries and Elves they can see this magick flowing in my energy. There have been times when I’ve done workings in dark forests that the Otherworld spirits did not want me there. You can sense that. If that happens you just move on. Otherworld spirits don’t just attack. They will give you warning if you are not supposed to be somewhere.
9. What are you working on right now?
School. I’m in grad school right now working on my theology degree. That takes a lot of time. But, I do have a new book coming out in October. It's called A Guide of Spirits: A Psychopomps Manual for Guiding the Dead To the Afterlife.

10. Which would be your final advice for those who want to work with the Otherworld?
Be respectful. Get to know them. Learn the lore and mythology but it’s not the “bible”. Don’t get so trapped by the lore that you can’t allow the Otherworld beings to evolve. Give offerings often. Also invite them into your magick. There’s never a full moon I don’t invite the Otherworld spirits in. I always give them offerings at rituals and the sabbats. Also, get to know nature. Be in nature. Research it. Understand it as much as you can. The last thing is to recognize that the spirits don’t owe you anything. You have to gain their respect by respecting them and of course give offerings to establish an energetic connection with them.

Kinky regards, K!

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