Monday, March 29, 2021

Book Review: #SlidingIntoMyDMs

Hey there, pornies. I hope you are okay. ^^ I'm feeling much better these days, thankfully, and I'm reading again, not as much as I tend to, but definitely more than before. Speaking of which, there's a novella you want to grab to have a great time, by the way: #SlidingIntoMyDMs, by Nell Iris. Thanks to Gay Book Promotions for sending me a review copy!

  • Print Length: 78 pages.
  • Publisher: JMS Books LLC (February 17, 2021).
  • Publication Date: February 17, 2021.
  • Genres: Contemporary, Drama, Erotica, Romance.
  • Rating: 4 / 5 stars.
"Hi. I heard you’ve been sick."
Eddy Pennington is recovering from a severe bout of pneumonia when an old acquaintance, Moss, sends him a message on social media. They haven’t spoken in years, but Eddy is pleasantly surprised. He always liked Moss, even if they were never close friends.
Moss Fanning has no ulterior motive with his message: all he wants is wish Eddy a speedy recovery. He got over the crush he used to have on Eddy a long time ago.
They reconnect easily and have even more in common now. And when they meet in person, the attraction is instant. Will an innocent, well-meaning message on social media lead to something more? Something deeper? Something... everlasting?

This book was a nice surprise because I expected it to be a bit dramatic, but it was such a romance that I couldn't help falling in love with it. Although short, I liked how natural the characters interacted with each other, how the plot developed in a quick manner, and the cute atmosphere that enveloped it all. It was a novella very easy to like, that's for sure.

While aimed at adults, #SlidingIntoMyDMs has a bit of a young adult writing style that matches its feelings, but not too much the topics it touches. Adulthood, the closet, family and bonds, along with second chances and the nerves of falling in love again are some of them (I'm sure I'm forgetting some, but you get the idea). I liked a lot how Nell Iris worked with this story and it shows how much fun she had with it due to the dialogues. Seriously, I smiled a lot as I read!

There were a few scenes that felt a bit too slow for me, mostly those relating to Eddy's sickness. Nothing too transcendental happened in them most of the time, although it helped to have a better picture of who he is as a character and get to know his surroundings. I would say there was chance for a bit more of development, yet there is some charm in a cute love story like this one being short.

If you enjoy realistic yet charming stories that include a good dose of humor and cute characters, #SlidingIntoMyDMs is the right choice. It's great that Nell Iris develops this story into something so adorable that it turns you into a hopeless romantic, craving for more. While there is not that much intimacy, we get some intense scenes in terms of feelings and touching, so you can't complain.

About Nell Iris:
Nell Iris is a romantic at heart who believes everyone deserves a happy ending. She’s a bona fide bookworm (learned to read long before she started school), wouldn’t dream of going anywhere without something to read (not even the ladies room), loves music (and singing along at the top of her voice but she’s no Celine Dion), and is a real Star Trek nerd (Make it so). She is a bisexual Swedish woman married to the love of her life, a proud mama of a grown daughter, and is approaching 50 faster than she’d like. Nell lives in the south of Sweden where she spends her days thinking up stories about people falling in love. After dreaming about being a writer for most of her life, she finally was in a place where she could pursue her dream and released her first book in 2017. Nell Iris writes gay romance, prefers sweet over angsty, short over long, and quirky characters over alpha males.

Have you read this book? Would you recommend it? Let me know in the comments! Kinky regards, K!

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