Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Midnight Thoughts: Freezing Spells

Good morning, pornies. How's your week going? As I promised yesterday, I want to be more active here, and there's a topic I read about a long time ago that a friend mentioned recently: freezing spells. I admit I did one of those long, long ago, when I was getting started as a witch and didn't give much thought about doing different things. Today, however, it's a different story and I'm totally against them.
A little background on the topic. For those unfamiliar with them, freezing spells are supposed to actually freeze someone in order to stop them from doing whatever it is they're doing, usually gossiping about you, harming you in a way, and I guess there could be one to prevent them from hurting themselves, or someone can modify a basic structure to do it.

In my case, I did one during my high school years to stop one of my bullies. He was a selfish, pedant, irritating guy who as always looking for a new way to make fun of me. I just wanted him to stop once and for all, and casted a freezing spell I found on a magazine. I can't recall if it made any difference, but he sure got worse after a while.

My reasoning for this, and for me being against them, is that you actually freeze them and stop them for a while, but you're not fixing anything or helping anyone, not even yourself. What happens once the ice melts? Or maybe the fridge has a problem? That person will be just the way they were, you go back to the starting point, maybe after a good rest, but you didn't solve anything.

Maybe I'm biased because my witchcraft is based on healing and divination, maybe because I don't like the idea of harming someone, but I don't see a point in this type of spells. Maybe I'll change in the future, or maybe someone will make me change, but so far I'd rather either heal and strengthen myself, or simply push that person away. I've done both already, and I know they work, so I know they'll keep working.

Also, and this can be part of my early years as a well, when I was Wiccan, but I don't like to go against someone else's freewill, not even when I'm healing. I always ask for that person's permission, except when time is short and they need it as soon as possible. The same logic applies for my craft.

I'm okay helping someone, I want to, I love it, it's one of the reasons I became a witch in the first place, but I want that someone to want to be helped and to mean  it, to make a compromise with themselves to actually change. Otherwise I'll either do nothing or simply pray for them. If someone's messing with me or my people, I'll return the harm right away and heal those they hurt, not freeze them indefinitely in time and potentially prevent them from becoming better human beings.

Kinky regards, K!

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