Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Some things you may not know about me

Hi cuties, I hope you are okay, feeling good, and that this week is being nice with you. I was thinking yesterday that I always speak about other people, about my experiences, my readings, what I think, my practice, but rarely about me. You all know by now that I'm a very private person and love this incognito life, which will end at some point, but not for now. Hence my reluctance to let anyone know too much about me, so here are a few things you may not know about this guy.

1. English is my first language: I actually speak Spanish 99% of the time, even though Spanish is not my mother tongue either. I spoke that one for my first two or three years, then learned Spanish at School. Although I was one of the best students on English class, I feel self-conscious every time I read something I tried to write in English at that time. Now you know why I write a little weird now and then. 

2. People think I'm a Spanish teenager: Not a Spanish cell in my body, or European since we're at it. I've been told I look Argentinian, Portuguese, Greek, Italian, French, and I'm forgetting some, I'm sure. I've also been told, mostly when I shave, that I have a baby face. Some think that I'm 18-20 years old, when I'm actually 26. 26. It was a bit strange at first, but now I love to see their reactions so I hide my age for as long as I can.

3. My name comes from the gay porn industry: I actually wrote a full entry about my pen-name,  but in short it is inspired by six porn stars, one of them already retired, and stands for Integrity, Honesty, Passion, Direction, Beauty, and Bravery (the original entry said Bravity; you see what I meant by weird?). It all got started when I decided to be part of HORNS Magazine, and I'm so freaking glad I did!

4. I'm a writer and journalist: Under my real name, I write fantasy and paranormal romance, but I've also worked with several magazines and websites regarding social topics, entertainment, and culture. I want to write something as Kyler, but my English is not as good as I want it to be.

5. Not my only pen-name: He. Hehe. Yep. I have another profile which I won't detail, but I can tell you is the farthest thing you would imagine from "Kyler B. Warhol". It was a pain in the ass to define what I would cover under which name, and even now I get a hard time decided who will write about a certain topic, but it's part of the job.

6. My favorite things: Singer is Lady Gaga, color is black, tools are sigils and tarot card, accessory is necklaces, and despite I got a short experience, the season is Winter.

7. I'm a frustrated singer: When I was a teenager, I always signed up for the karaoke at anime conventions, and I always sing when I'm alone, there are fours recordings on me singing, but I get so nervous I fuck it up every time. I plan to get singing lessons at some point because I really want to learn how to do it, same goes to playing piano, and dancing. One day, I promise!

Did you know any of that stuff? Is there anything in particular you're curious about? ^^ Let me know and I'll see if I can share some bits and pieces about me again.

Kinky regards, K!

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Monday, August 30, 2021

Queer Heroes: The Bisexual Mother of Pride and the Bisexual Student Hero

Hello, pornies. I hope you're feeling nice and well after that weekend. I took the time to organize a few ideas and finally came up with the tools I needed to have a better structure and plan my weeks in a comfortable manner. However, I wanted to share with you a short video essay I found that speaks about Stephen Donaldson, a man I learned about when reading The Deviant's War, by Eric Cervini, and Brenda Howard, who I knew nothing about before.

Both are now part of my ancestors, both are people I want to know more about, and that inspire me to be someone in this life, to do my part to leave this world a little better. Yes, I just quoted Beyoncé. Anyway, here it is, and I strongly recommend you to take a look at the description in YouTube for sources and more information about these two people.

Did you know about them? What do you think about their work? Do you know about more bisexual activists or important figures? Let me know in the comments!

Kinky regards, K!

Connect with me on Instagram and Twitter!
Remember this blog lusts after your comments and shares to grow healthy!

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Book Review: Love Spells for the Modern Witch

Rise and shine, pornies. How is it going over there? I hope you're in the mood for some sexy and hot magic, because I come with a book that I liked a lot and that will give you many tools to manifest as many hearts as you want in your life. I'm talking about Love Spells for the Modern Witch: A Spell Book for Matters of the Heart, by Michael Herkes. Thanks to the author for letting me know about the ARC and to the publisher for sending me review copy!

  • Print Length: 180 pages.
  • Publisher: Rockridge Press (August 3, 2021)
  • Publication Date: August 3, 2021.
  • Genres: Love Magic, Sex Magic, Meditation, Witchcraft.
  • Rating: 4 / 5 stars.
Invite and embrace the magic of love with this enchanting spell book.
We all have magic inside our hearts that can connect us with others and welcome new love into our lives. Manifest the magic of love with Love Spells for the Modern Witch. This spell book taps into the heart’s power with a variety of spells, potions, and rituals for every kind of love.
Go beyond other witchcraft spell books with:
  • Modern love witchery―Understand the principal components of love and witchcraft, and find out how to ethically merge the two.
  • Everyday practices―Learn how to use tools, carry out a ritual, and other methods and practices essential to witchcraft books.
  • All kinds of love―Cast spells for modern life and love, from healing after heartbreak and building new relationships to growing in self-love.
Craft a love story with a little bit of magic thanks to this powerful spell book.

I have to admit I had my doubts about this book because of how many love spell books are already in the market. However, coming from Michael I knew it would be different and decided to give it a try. Needless to say that I'm happy I did so because it's not like the others for the most part.

Whereas common, massively produced spells books are only concerned about how many spells to get someone's heart they include, Love Spells for the Modern Witch includes a short introduction on magic, witchcraft, some basic concepts and ideas to keep in mind if you're not a well-versed witch or lacking formal training (ahem, like this guy here). You won't  be an expert, but you won't need to.

Also, I liked how diverse the book was, including spells for friendship, family, casual sex, threesomes (I'm not joking!), marriage, infidelities, and even a counter-spell for when you messed up with magic and need to cancel as soon as possible. You may need a few materials for some spells and rituals, but Michael gives a structure and style that are easy to follow, so you can be sure you will be fine.

If you want to give witchcraft a try and have a calling to work with love in an ethical manner, guided by a respectable author like Michael Herkes, then Love Spells for the Modern Witch is a good choice. Short, simple, and easy to follow, you will get the basics covered so you can get started on your journey.

About Michael Herkes:
Michael Herkes (Chicago), also known as “The Glam Witch”, has been practicing modern witchcraft since he was a preteen. He is a devotee to the goddess Lilith and focuses his practice on crystal, glamour, moon, and sex magic. He is also an experienced tarot reader, and has presented numerous workshops on witchcraft across the United States. Michael is the author of The GLAM WitchThe Complete Book of Moon Spells, and is a regular contributor to Witch Way Magazine. For more information visit www.theglamwitch.com.

Have you read this book? Would you recommend it or not? Let me know in the comments! Kinky regards, K!

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Friday, August 27, 2021

Faerydays: Why the Alder King?

Good morning, sweeties. I hope you are well and in the mood for some thinking. I was recently thinking that, although I always tell others to examine why they are called to work with a certain deity or spirit, I haven't done it with some, the Alder King being one of them.
Image by LUM3N from Pixabay.
For those who are not familiar with Him, or that need some recap because I know I haven't written about him in a long while, you can read the past entries right here:

Now, why do I work with the Alder King? Why would anyone want to do it? Basically, he represents everything I am and aspire to be: queer, cunning, psychic, a healer, a guardian, connected to the other side, and often demonized or misinterpreted.

I define myself as a healing witch, maybe even this interest in necromancy is related to my work as a healer, and my divination sessions are often aimed at helping others with their questions and feel better, more confident about past, present, and/or future.

When I think about the Alder King, I think about a monarch who is often portrayed as the villain because he is different, because he thinks differently, and challenges the social norms of those around him. I see him as a powerful outcast who revels in uniqueness, differences, and individuality. He can be dangerous, that's for sure, but also a mighty ally if taken the care to get to know him.

However, I also see him as a confident, aggressive, masculine energy. He is a warrior and doesn't accept a no. I see this side of him as something I need to learn to apply, not as an abusive personality trait but as a way to put limits. I don't feel comfortable doing harmful magic, although I do it when I have to, and I'm the worst person you could bring into a fight because I don't even know how to punch someone. I struggled with bullying for 11 years in elementary and high school because I didn't know how to defend myself and felt insecure about being violent.

The Alder King clearly doesn't have this problem. He knows what he wants and stops at nothing to get it. I am as persistent and passionate about my projects, but I'm always doubting whether I can or not, if I'll be able to do it or not. There's that little doubt on the back of my mind that I need to heal still.

I know I can work with the Alder King regarding psychic development, queerness, otherness, protection, healing, and divination, but he can also teach me about aggressive magic, confidence, and self-defense. I'd be lying if I said I'm not scared about it, but who said the path to becoming your highest self would be easy and fun? And now that I think about it, all those things are connected to the four powers of bisexual witches; maybe that's a sign?

Kinky regards, K!

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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Book Review: How Witchcraft Saved My Life

Hello, pornies. I hope you are well, healthy, and sexy. I recently finished reading a book I want to tell you about, and although it was an introductory book, which I'm not too fond on, made me think more than once about topics we often neglect when we've been witches for a while. It's How Witchcraft Saved My Life: Practical Advice for Transformative Magick, by Vincent Higginbotham. Thanks to the publisher for sending me a review copy!

  • Print Length: 272 pages.
  • Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (June 8, 2021)
  • Publication Date: June 8, 2021.
  • Genres: Magic, Self-help, Witchcraft.
  • Rating: 3 / 5 stars.
Take Control of Your Life with the Power of Witchcraft
Discover how magickal practices and principles can help lift you up from darkness and hardship. Author Vincent Higginbotham faced abuse, homelessness, and abandonment. But from the depths of these personal tragedies, a practice emerged, focusing on developing the psychic senses, reading tarot, understanding the elements, and drawing in magic for positive change. This guidebook is written for anyone coping with the legacy of abuse, neglect, poverty, loneliness, prejudice, or addiction.
How Witchcraft Saved My Life includes hands-on exercises and practices for spellwork, tarot, intuition, and the four pillars of Witchcraft―to Keep Silent, to Dare, to Will, and to Know. You can learn to use magick to cope with suffering and recover from trauma. The stories and lessons in this book teach you practical spiritual skills that will empower you to pull yourself out of the darkness of despair and into the light.

I was expecting this book to explain the practices Vincent Higginbotham developed while struggling, the ones that saved and helped him, but I got something totally different. Although he shares his experiences and events that marked him the most, there were no practices included because he didn't know about witchcraft or psychic senses.

What we actually get in How Witchcraft Saved My Life are teachings and ideas he now applies in his life after revisiting those dark places and overcoming hard times. Although there are spells and rituals that will help you when dealing with negative feelings, thoughts, lack of focus, and so on, those are modern except for the last one, which is so beautiful I plan to do it as soon as possible.

If you are new to witchcraft and are struggling to find your place in the world, dealing with a lot of stuff, doubting your future, then I'd recommend you to read it. It will give some tips, insight, and make you think about the basic concepts and practices. I found the chapter about the pillars a bit longer than necessary, but with lots of information to keep in mind and enrich your practice.

Although the title and synopsis could be misleading, How Witchcraft Saved My Life  is a good introduction for those having a hard time, offering hope when there is none. Far from presenting witchcraft as a fix-it-all as some readers say, Vincent Higginbotham keeps a realistic tone and reminds you that it will help you as long as you help yourself.

About Vincent Higginbotham:
After a decade living on the streets, Vincent Higginbotham (Southeastern US) went to college at the Art Institute of Philadelphia where he graduated with a degree in industrial design. He works with Hekate and Hermes in all things magick, and keeps a column in Patheos PaganHow Witchcraft Saved My Life is his first book.

Kinky regards, K!

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Monday, August 23, 2021

Queer Martyrs: Samuel Luiz

Good morning, pornies. I hope you've been well. Today I wanted to share some sad news with you, although chances are you already know about this event and that it is not surprising for some, but I can't stop writing about it because it is another reason for which to keep working towards equality and educating non-queers. On July 3 of this year, Samuel Luiz was killed in what has been called a homophobic attack. Spanish police are still investigating.

On that night, he was with hanging out in A Coruña, Galicia, and had a videocall with a friend. While walking on the streets, a guy and a girl thought they were being filmed. When the guy shouted "you will either stop filming, or I'll kill you, faggot", Samuel said "why are you calling me a faggot?" Then he was beaten the first time.

A friend and a man managed to stop the fight and the couple left. Samuel asked his friend if she could get his phone back, but while she was away, the couple came back with more people, making a group of 12, and beat him to death. Samuel was only 24 years old and was working as a nursing assistant.

Samuel was a closeted gay guy to his family, and his father said in an interview that when he touched on the subject with his son, Samuel didn't want to continue the conversation. The police have said they don't rule out any possibility, but that so far they don't have any real reason to suspect this is a hate, homophobic attack. Let's point to the fact that Samuel was called "faggot," "subnormal," and "son of a bitch". That's all I'm gonna say.

This is even more surprising when we learn that Spain is one of the most gay-friendly countries in the world, the second, actually, according to Nomadic Boys, with Barcelona and Madrid being really popular as gay cities. It worries me a lot that there hasn't been any progress in the investigation, only pointing at some of the suspects, almost all of them with a violent history with the police, some even  being minors.

This reminds me a lot to the killing of Alireza Fazeli Monfared, the Iranian guy who was beheaded by his own family when he was outed as a gay by a military exemption card. In this case, there was no card and no family, but both men had plans to become someone important, they were young, and were working to make this world a better place.

Samuel was a healer, a kind soul, and I have read over and over again testimonies of his friends that describe him as compassionate and noble. I can only wonder what kind of man he would have become had he not been out that night. Maybe he would have been just another gay guy in Galicia, maybe he would have been an inspiration like he is now that his life was cut short, but with the possibility to do something bigger. We can only wonder.

Samuel's Healing Prayer
Words like knives were thrown around you,
Violence was your judge and tomb,
Yet you cared for old friends and new,
Yet they used their fists like stones.

Secrets you kept in fear and pain,
Secrets you swallowed and kept in the dark,
Secrets to stay away from disdain,
Secrets that now are out in the light.

Rise and shine and fly so high,
Your name we'll write in every star,
To heal the wounds of those in silence,
Stop the wounds before they happen.

With information from:

Kinky regards, K!

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Monday, August 16, 2021

Poem: To Die

Hello, pornies. I hope you've been okay. This have been though days again (yeah, again), but the good thing is that I've been writing once again, but also, after two years, I want to share something I just wrote.
Image by Daniel Langezaal from Pixabay.
I've been very, very vocal about my mental health issues, but I also think that something as awful can serve as an inspiration for something beautiful. I wanted to reflect what I am feeling now, and how different and similar it is from what I felt before. Both are forms of dying, but different on their own.

Feel free to interpret it as you prefer, but for me, it's better to always this open for debate instead of telling everyone what to think or get out of it. Let me know if you liked it or not, and if you'd like me to share more of my actual writing and not only devotional poetry and incantations.
Dying, dying, dying.
Always sinking in my garden.
Dying, dying, dying,
I keep ripping every fabric.
Dying, dying, dying,
During nights I just keep silent.
Dying, dying, dying,
Prayers heard by crystal angels.
11:15 PM.

Kinky regards, K!

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Friday, August 13, 2021

Book Review: Faerie Stones

Hello pornies! I hope you are good and ready for the weekend. I come with a book that left me with a bittersweet taste after readign it, which can be good for those interested in gemstone therapy with a few interesting ideas. It's Faerie Stones: An Exploration of the Folklore and Faeries Associated with Stones & Crystals, by Ceri Norman. Thanks to the publisher for sending me a review copy!

  • Print Length: 248 pages.
  • Publisher: Moon Books (March 30, 2018)
  • Publication Date: March 30, 2018.
  • Genres: Celtic, Fae, Folklore, Gemstones, Healing, Mythology.
  • Rating: 3 / 5 stars.
Faerie Stones explores the Faerielore and Folklore associated with different stones and various crystal formations, from the ancient Neolithic arrows known as Elfshot to magical Faerie dusted geodes known as Fairy Cavern Quartz. It deals with the metaphysical aspects of the stones, their traditional uses and healing qualities, and discusses which types of Faerie and which Deities/Faerie Monarchs are associated with each stone. It also offers practical tips and two meditations for working with Faeries and stones for spiritual development. Aimed at all those who love Faeries and Crystals, it is ideal for the beginner or the more experienced practitioner.

The whole idea of working with the Fae through stones is just too attractive and it has some base. Ceri Norman gives you a simple yet solid understanding of how to work with stones like Elf Shots, Seer Stones, and some more exotic ones, keeping traditional folklore in mind and the legends surrounding some of them. She also speaks about how crystal is a common, general element in some legends.

Faerie Stones takes a more liberal approach with other stones, linking them with concepts such as astrology, numerology, to offer a wider image of their uses, expanding the list of correspondences of each of them. You will find not only Celtic deities and figures, but also those from other pantheons like the Greek, Roman, Egyptian, some from South America, and more.

However, I found it difficult to keep reading because the author works with the idea of the Fae being benevolent, funny, healing spirits. Folklore tells us they could be in a way, but it's not part of who they are. I also have conflicts with the idea that there's one in every stone because, say, what happens when that stones breaks? Is the being divided in two, when talking about big rocks, or do they die? We don't get an answer. In addition to beings included in folklore Ceri Norman also included Shakespeare's Queen Mab and Queen Titania, the Slavic Sandman, mermaids, and a chakra meditation with Morgan le Fae. This last one was particularly unfitting for me, although it works as a format to work with the Irish Three Cauldrons of Poesy instead, which seems like a better option to me, culturally speaking.

I think Faerie Stones was okay, but took too many liberties and perpetuates the idea that the Fae are tiny, cute female beings that work with nature, along with cultural inconsistencies. It can be useful if you want to learn more about gemstone healing, how to incorporate them in your practice, and some of the stones folklore links to the Fae, but most of the time doesn't tell you why a particular stone is connected to the Fae (I was expecting the author to point out at specific legends and myths that include those stones) and mixes information from so many sources I feel Ceri Norman tries to convince the reader her practices are genuine.

About Ceri Norman:
Ceri Norman is a dedicated Faerie Priestess, folklorist, historian and an internationally known author. Her inspiration comes from ancient magic, mythology and monuments, as well as the inner realms of magic and mystery.

Have you read this book? Would you recommend it? Let me know in the comments! Kinky regards, K!

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Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Manga: Glass Syndrome

Hello, sweeties. I hope you've had wonderful days. I've been recovering, again, and there's a BEAUTIFUL manga that helped me in this process. Good news is that it's out today! Even betters news is that it will make you smile more than ever before and fangirl like you never thought you would! I'm speaking about Glass Syndrome, by Eiko Ariki. Thanks to the publisher for sending me a review copy!

  • Print Length: 194 pages.
  • Publisher: TOKYOPOP (August 10, 2021).
  • Expected Print Publication Date: August 10, 2021.
  • Genres: Drama, Gay, Scholar, 
  • Rating: 5 / 5.
Nijou is the perfect student. He’s class president, great at sports, and beloved by all his classmates, especially the girls. But he hides his true feelings; deep down he’s terrified of letting everyone down with anything less than perfection and being rejected. As the most responsible and respected member of the class, he’s asked by their teacher to check in on Toomi, a student who hasn’t been to school in a while.
Toomi sees straight through Nijou’s insecurities and acts belligerent, but he has a secret of his own; in order to pay off his father’s gambling debts, he performs in drag on an adult cam site as “Haruka.” When Nijou accidentally discovers the truth, he struggles with whether he should tell Toomi, or continue to feign ignorance. But at the same time he finds himself developing feelings for Haruka…or is it really Toomi he’s falling in love with?

I already knew I would love this manga when I saw the cover and read the synopsis, but I didn't expect to go head over heels for it! I mean, the story, the characters, the development... I struggle to find something that doesn't work on this manga! Eiko Ariki got me since page one, and after that, I just couldn't stop reading until I was done. It's been a long time since I found something this good, and boy I've read some things.

So, the synopsis tells you pretty much about Glass Syndrome, but what it doesn't tell you is that both guys are so severely broken they start hanging on to the other in hopes to find relief, understanding, and at the same time trying to keep their traumas at bay. Needless to say, the art reflects those complex, sometimes contradictory feelings, to match the tone of the script.

Honestly, there was just one thing I found weird in the manga, and it is the way Nijou discovers Toomi's Haruka identity. It was just too convenient and doesn't make much sense, but that detail aside, Eiko Ariki made sure everything is just amazing and the reading becomes as smooth as possible.

If you like complicated yet beautiful stories that remind you of the raw feelings that come with your first love, most likely during high school, Glass Syndrome, by Eiko Ariki, is the right choice. I'm a bit sad to know this is a standalone story, but I'll be more than happy to keep an eye on Ariki and whatever he releases soon.

Have you read this manga? Would you recommend it or not? Let me know in the comments! Kinky regards, K!

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Thursday, August 5, 2021

Manga: BL Fans LOVE My Brother?!

Hello, cuties. I hope you're having a wonderful week. There is a manga I swore I wrote about, but turns out I didn't. Mea culpa, ego stupidus stultus. It's a story that made me smile a lot and remember my cringy years when I got started in the manga-anime community (all of us were at the beginning, face it). I'm talking about BL Fans LOVE My Brother?!, by Mimu Oyamada. Thanks to the publisher for sending me a review copy!

  • Print Length: 192 pages.
  • Publisher: TOKYOPOP (January 30, 2021).
  • Expected Print Publication Date: January 30, 2021.
  • Genres: Comedy, Drama, Gay, (Indifrect) Yaoi
  • Rating: 4 / 5.
Kirika Amano is just an unassuming college freshman, but her shut-in big brother, Teruo, is about to turn her life upside down... Even though he's barely left their family home in four years, Teruo has a big secret: he's been living a double life online as the boys love artist sensation Amaterasu!
With his popularity online growing more and more, Teruo begs Kirika to pose as Amaterasu in the real world, throwing her right into the deep end of doujinshi conventions, hot and sweaty fan comics, and adoring fans who want to worship Teruo—and now Kirika—as a god!
As Kirika begins to crack under the pressure, she relies on Teruo's knowledge to guide her through this new world of conventions, followers, and her own budding love for her big brother's OTP, just as Teruo needs his little sister to help him come out of his shell and explore the real world. And as each new event pushes them further into the limelight, can they find a way to keep the secret of Amaterasu's identity and also have room to be themselves?

The story is pretty simple, without anything too outlandish. It's more a Slice-of-Life manga than anything else with a high dose of irreverent and ridiculous humor that will keep you smiling. Mimu Oyamada took me out of my comfort zone, but it was so easy to enjoy I would love to read more about Kirika and Teruo. They have a funny, sometimes weird relationship that's hard not to like.

I've read some people complaining that shut-in stories kind of make fun of the topic, as if forgetting that's the point of comedy, even more when we're speaking about dark comedy. BL Fans LOVE My Brother?! has a bit of that, and I just loved how Terou used it to get away with everything. His relationship with Kirika changed a lot because of it, and in the end it became something beautiful.

What I do have to admit is that Terou's development was a bit rushed. He would push himself way too far in no time, and Kirika would lose some protagonism because of it. I know it's because he's supposed to love his sister and be there for her as she's there for him, but Mimu Oyamada made an idealized version of what would actually happen. For the sake of comedy, I know, but it did bother me a bit

In general, if you want to re-visit your beginnings as a manga-anime lover, remember the cringe, laugh at these two siblings with a lot of chemistry, BL Fans LOVE My Brother?! is the right choice for you. I think Mimu Oyamada could do a second volume, but we'll need to wait. The ending was more open that I expected, but it works like that.

Have you read this manga? Would you recommend it or not? Let me know in the comments! Kinky regards, K!

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Sunday, August 1, 2021

Book Review: The Deviant's War

Rise and shine, pornies. I hope you are feeling good today. I know I've been away for a long time, again for health reasons, and I just hope to get things better. However, there's a book I've been reading for a long time as well, more than a year, to be honest, but that you need to know about if not already: The Deviant's War: The Homosexual vs. the United States of America, by Eric Cervini. Thanks to the publisher for sending me a review copy!

  • Print Length: 512 pages.
  • Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux; Illustrated edition (June 2, 2020)
  • Publication Date: June 2, 2020.
  • Genres: History, Homosexuality, Social Matters, Non-Fiction, Biography.
  • Rating: 5 / 5 stars.
New York Times Book Review Editors' Choice. Winner of the 2021 Randy Shilts Award for Gay Nonfiction. One of The Washington Post's Top 50 Nonfiction Books of 2020.
From a young Harvard- and Cambridge-trained historian, the secret history of the fight for gay rights that began a generation before Stonewall.
In 1957, Frank Kameny, a rising astronomer working for the U.S. Defense Department in Hawaii, received a summons to report immediately to Washington, D.C. The Pentagon had reason to believe he was a homosexual, and after a series of humiliating interviews, Kameny, like countless gay men and women before him, was promptly dismissed from his government job. Unlike many others, though, Kameny fought back.
Based on firsthand accounts, recently declassified FBI records, and forty thousand personal documents, Eric Cervini's The Deviant's War unfolds over the course of the 1960s, as the Mattachine Society of Washington, the group Kameny founded, became the first organization to protest the systematic persecution of gay federal employees. It traces the forgotten ties that bound gay rights to the Black Freedom Movement, the New Left, lesbian activism, and trans resistance. Above all, it is a story of America (and Washington) at a cultural and sexual crossroads; of shocking, byzantine public battles with Congress; of FBI informants; murder; betrayal; sex; love; and ultimately victory.

In case you haven't heard of this marvelous book, it's the story of early gay activist Frank Kameny, the man that made gay rights a possibility when he was fired by the U.S.A. government for being gay. This man was the reason why it all started long before the Stonewall Riots. Basically, he's a big part of the reason why we can be free today.

With an incredible level of detail, Dr. Eric Cervini tells the story of Kameni and how he shaped what would become a social machine to create change in a prejudiced, intolerant, and conservative society. However, he does so by painting a picture of the man, not the hero or the icon: The Deviant's War details the good, the bad, the irrational, and more.

Also, you will learn about he lives of protestor and activists that would help Kameny, like Barbara Gittings, Harry Hay, Stephen Donaldson, and more. You will get to know the struggles, the ideas, the plans, results, everything around these people who made it their lives' mission to change their world and create a change for future generations.

Although it took me so long to go through this impressive work, I'm totally in love with it. As a reader, I found it challenging but satisfying. As a queer person, I found it human and celebratory. As an intellectual, I was simmering in envy for how deep and well-done it is. And as a reviewer I'm speechless. I just need to say that half of it are the notes and references Dr. Eric Cervini used to make this masterpiece possible, so there's no reason to be afraid of The Deviant's War. You'll be glad you read it.

About Eric Cervini:
Dr. Eric Cervini is an award-winning historian of LGBTQ+ politics, a NYT bestselling author, and a Pulitzer Prize finalist for his first book, THE DEVIANT’S WAR: The Homosexual vs. the United States of America. It also won the Publishing Triangle’s Randy Shilts Award for Gay Nonfiction, the New York Times Editors’ Choice, and the “Best Read of 2020” at the Queerties. As an authority on 1960s gay activism, Cervini serves on the Board of Advisors of the Mattachine Society of Washington, D.C., a nonprofit dedicated to the preservation of gay American history. His award-winning digital exhibitions have been featured in Harvard’s Rudenstine Gallery, and he has presented his research to audiences across America and the United Kingdom. He lives in Los Angeles with his drag queen boyfriend and their dog, Moo Bear. Website. Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. YouTube.

Have you read this book? Would you recommend it? Let me know in the comments! Kinky regards, K!

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