Monday, February 10, 2020

Book Review: Gay Witchcraft Empowering The Tribe

First published in Horns Magazine Issue #3: Halloween Anniversary Edition

It seems like we all have a place in the Pagan world, a seat just for us in the right spot, with the right people and the right books by our side. After many different readings, Gay Witchcraft: Empowering the Tribe, by Christopher Penczak, is definitely part of those who helped me find that special place and that claimed an important part in my journey.

  • Print Length: 288 pages
  • Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser (June 1, 2003)
  • Publishing Date: June 1, 2003
  • ISBN-10: 1578632811
  • ISBN-13: 978-1578632817

I realized I was a part of the LGBT+ community at a very young age, almost at the same time as when I discovered real-life witchcraft. Penczak is one of the names I’ve admired so much that it feels unreal to say that I’ve finally read one of his books, and even better, one that harmonizes these two parts of my being.

Gay Witchcraft falls right into the category of books you cannot easily forget, that feed that hunger for knowledge, that need for something new you know nothing about before reading, and is filled with many seeds of wisdom scattered all over its pages; I swear I’ve never taken so many notes in my life!

It’s perfect for the reader who knows nothing about magic’s basics, with lots of introductory information, explanations and examples to make its images as clear as possible. It may be tiresome if you already have a foundation in magic, but I prefer to see it more as a nice way to keep that knowledge fresh.

The author not only gives a piece of himself in Gay Witchcraft, but lets the reader give something as well. To read some of Penczak’s most interesting moments in his life makes this an even more interesting book, and helps readers see things in a very different light as they encounter the same experiences, days and memories in their own lives. In addition to this, you have enough room to experiment and build your own incantations, spells, rituals and ceremonies, as this is not a manual but a guide.

Among its many chapters, the ones about healing were the most meaningful for me; they shined a light on a side of the craft that calls to me, one that, as explained in the book, has be the favorite of many LGBT people across time. You may discover that healing can be a significant part of your magical work as well thanks to Christopher Penczak.

What really generated noise for me while reading this book was its style, sometimes so similar to that of self-help books that it distracted me from Chris’s words. This is obviously a matter of personal taste, but it would have been more relevant for me if the writing were more focused on witchcraft itself and the myths regarding queer characters, which was one of the shortest sections of the book.

However, it will be best for everyone to have the amazing experience Gay Witchcraft has to offer. There has been a change in me, a new side I want to explore more as I learn how to embrace my inner Goddess and God, and the two Celtic kings in my spirit.

About Christopher Penczak:
Christopher Penczak is an author, teacher, and healing practitioner. Rooted firmly in the traditions of modern Witchcraft, he draws from the timeless wisdom of many cultures in the creation of new techniques and traditions.Christopher is the author of numerous books, including the award-winning six-volume Temple of Witchcraft series (Llewellyn) and the Three Rays of Witchcraft (Copper Cauldron Publishing). Other works include Ascension Magick, Instant Magick, and the Witch's Shield (Llewellyn) and City Magick, Gay Witchcraft, and Spirit Allies (Red Wheel/Weiser). He has been a featured columnist for newWitch magazine and publications such as Genre, InnerSelf, and Kaleidoscope.
Christopher is a co-founder of the Temple of Witchcraft tradition and not-for-profit religious organization, and teaches and travels extensively teaching Witchcraft. He also offers a variety of online classes and lectures. For more visit and

Have you read this book? Would you recommend it or not? Let me know in the comments! Kinky regards, K!

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