Saturday, June 22, 2024

On Identity Crisis, Searching, and Questions

It feels like forever since I was here.

Image from Pixabar
I'm going to be honest, I thought I was never coming back, that I had already done what I wanted with this name. As painful as it was, I just couldn't find the motivation or a reason to keep on writing. I've been having an identity crisis as "Kyler" that made me question if there was a point in doing what I have done so far.

The reason is that I see some people doing similar things, better suited, higher, stronger names in the Pagan world, which made me think "is there even a point?"

Even though I'm not sure there is, I miss being here. I'm trying to find more reason more than just plain nostalgia, erotica reviews, and occasional Witchcraft entries. There's this part of me saying "keep going" and the other asking why.

I consider myself a very practical person. If I enjoy something, that's enough reason to keep doing something, but as of lately I have come to feel... unaccomplished in my K facet. I like it, but is it useful? Am I doing something worth the time an effort I put? That's what I've been questioning myself. And I don't have an answer yet.

However, I want to try again, give this one more try, so I hope you will accompany me on the road as I figure it out. I'm still passionate about folklore, bisexuality, and Witchcraft, but I'll be looking for something that feels mine.

Kinky regards, K!

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