Monday, February 28, 2022

When to Use a Symbol Publicly?

Hi, sweeties! I just finished writing the past entry and thought about something else I would like to share with you. As witches, we know that there's power in everything. Maybe we're not aware of it, or using it, but energy is everywhere, from nature to the clothes we wear. Years ago, when I was discovering Wicca and witchcraft, I saw a video from an Argentinian high priestess who said that you should only use a necklace with a symbol once you know its meaning.
Photo by Noelle Otto from Pexels.
I was once in a witchcraft store when there came a lady needing help to deal with some fae problems. The girl in the store told her that she knew a few things about them, but wasn't sure she would be the best to help her, but me, with a heptagram hanging from my neck, would be a better person to ask for help.

Despite I know about them, have read about them, have worked with the fae, and even talk about them with a close friend, it was a completely different thing to help someone I knew nothing about. I was completely out of my element, but this person was counting on me to give some form of help. After taking a deep breath, I put on my calmest face and told her "sure, I'm not an expert, but tell me about it and I'll do my best".

If you are using a symbol in a necklace, a bracelet, a tattoo, or any other way, people will do the math and sometimes even ask you about this or that. While I was using it as a form of respect towards the fae, this necklace represents my work with them, and people who know the meaning can and will ask me about the fae if they recognize the meaning.

In the end, I was able to ask the right questions and give this lady all the things she needed, both material and some ideas. She left the store with some notes, curious about the deities I mentioned, and we had a nice time despite her worries. The girl in the store said "I knew he would be able to help you more than me", and I saw her more relaxed when she left the store. This helped me realize that, while this necklace could mean something for me, it means something bigger, and if I used it then I had to be serious about it and my work with the seelie wight*.

Since that day, when I realized the wider meaning of having this necklace, I decided to learn more and practice more, and make the fae a more important part of my practice. While it's true that I haven't the most devoted witch in this way, I never abandon the fae elements in my practice. I may not use them or learn about them every day, but the knowledge stays there as well as the respect. Are you using a symbol, a stone, a tarot card, in a public way? Make sure you know its meaning and implications.

*seelie wight is a term that could be translated as "lucky/blessed being". Morgen Daimly wrote about it in their blog.

Kinky regards, K!

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