Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Reclaiming the "Greedy" Bisexual

We're always the greedy ones, aren't we?

It's one of the most widespread misconceptions about bisexual people, that we're just too greedy, too confused, too indecisive, and so we take it all. The root of this problem, in my opinion, is that many still think in black and white: straight or gay. There's no spectrum, no in-between, no other option.

And for that I say, Why not take it as a compliment?
Here's what I mean:

The other day someone told me "I can't believe you eat so much" and I sudenly said "I'm bisexual, I'm greedy, I always want more". I've been thinking about that for a bit.

Many are already greedy, and not in terms of their sexual orientation. There's the one who wants to have sex as many times as possible, with different people. There's the one that likes to go to different places to eat. The one who watches too many movies, tv series, plays many games. There's the one who likes to have a lot of books.

We just happen to see a lot of beauty in a lot of people.

For me, being bisexual means that my feelings and passion are not restricted in any possible way. I can like people of different colors, races, ethnicities, backgrounds, gender identities, gender expressions, biological sex, or whatever. While it sounds like the typical definition of pansexual, for me it's also a way to say that I have a preference.

This same preference is not restrictive, but it's the predominant one, and it's not even set in stone. I've had times when I was more attracted to men, then to women, then to trans people, agender... And I just happen to feel more comfortable labeling myself as bi.

If being able to appreciate the beauty, the feelings, direct my passion, or find a person interesting and appealing, means I'm greedy, then bi all means I am.

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