Monday, September 23, 2019

Celebrate Bisexual Day + Sigil!

Pornies! Hello over there! How are you doing? Today’s a special day for me and many LG(B)T folks around the world: Celebrate Bisexuality Day!

I was 11 years old when I discovered I liked boys as well as girls, maybe even younger, but it was around that age that I realized I wasn’t just into the opposite sex. I remember playing a crappy real-time game on my PC and telling this nice gay stranger by chat that I was bisexual, and that he insisted that I was way too young to be sure about that.
I have been told that kind of things over and over again, by straight and gay people as well, and I cannot help but wonder: How can people be so sure about what you feel, what you like? People often tend to think they know you better than you know yourself, something I’m sure many bisexuals have experienced.

We are often told we are an impossibility, that we have to choose, even that we are living in denial or confusion by claiming to like both sexes. My last boyfriend once even told me he was hurt when I said his friend I am bi “in his face”, that I didn’t respect him for doing it.  It’s hard to be denied, but then I remember that the best things are myths and legends: faeries, witches, even Alice listed six impossibilities when she was in Wonderland.

If we are a myth, if we are a legend, why not take that power and turn reality inside out? People don’t believe in bisexuality or in witches, and here we are, hidden among them, some us embracing both words as part of who we are. We are both Alice and Chesire, the Fairy Godparents and the Wicked Witches of the four fucking cardinal points.
I strongly believe there is something sacred in being bisexual, in the way we experience the world. We are constantly between the worlds, be it straight or gay, physical or spiritual. We are walking myths, walking dreams. Why not taking that magic and giving it a purpose? That’s why I designed a Bisexual Witch sigil, or, as I like to call it, the Walking Myth sigil.
How to use this sigil?
  • Draw it in your skin to recover your lost power.
  • Burn it at your altar to honor those bisexuals who came before you and either thank them for existing or ask for their help and guidance.
  • Draw it in the air before you go out into the street and go through it (Through the Looking Glass vibes anyone?) to be cleansed and protected.
  • Meditate in front of it about what it means to be bisexual for you, how it defines who you are and are not, and how it may have influenced your Craft.
  • Any other use you can imagine!
I hope every single beautiful bisexual soul has an amazing day today, hope you are free to express who you are, that you are blessed with acceptance and love, but if for whatever reason you cannot, know it will get better, no matter what they tell you or what you think. And if you are a witch, rock that sacred power we share. If we are to be myths, remember the best things are!

Kinky regards, K
Connect with me on Instagram and Twitter!

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