Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Book review: Honoring Your Ancestors

Hi pornies! How are you feeling today? This has been one hell of a busy last week! I still need to catch up with tons of things, but always find the time to read. I need it more than breathing, nonetheless, and now that there are a lot of books waiting for me, well, let’s just say that my eyes are pleading for mercy.

Last week I finished reading Honoring Your Ancestors: A Guide to Ancestral Veneration by Mallorie Vaudoise, a book I had my eyes into for a while and decided to give it a try. Why not? It will be interesting to see a non-Pagan perspective in the matter, I told myself, since the author has a more African religious practice, and so it was!

Honoring Your Ancestors is a somewhat short and light book, so it took no time to have it done once I started with it. I liked that the author kept the subject simple and a general, non-religious tone. This makes it way much easier for the readers to identify which practices they can include in their own ancestral veneration, no matter their belief.

Mallorie Vaudoise explains who the Ancestors are, their types, how we can interact with them in a healthy way, heal ancestral trauma, keep our (and their) energy clean, and how even our house can be an Ancestor we can honor with simple acts such as praying, cleaning and meditation. Simplicity is the key in Honoring Your Ancestors. You don’t need expensive materials, exotic herbs and complicated chants.

This book also explains how to develop mediumship and use it to communicate with the Ancestors in a simple way, and although I consider it just an introduction in the subject, it’s a very good one. Mallorie Vaudoise uses enough of her own experiences as examples when she needs to illustrate a point, which helps a lot when picturing what must be done.

Honoring Your Ancestors: A Guide to Ancestral Veneration by Mallorie Vaudoise, is a valuable and useful book for those interested in keeping in touch with their roots, their family and feed their ancestral veneration practice. I’m currently working with the journaling prompts included, and they have helped me a lot to clarify many thoughts I had prior to this book. It’s definitely my favorite part of the book!

Kinky regards, K!

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