Thursday, May 16, 2019

Manga Review: Servant & Lord

Hey there! How are you today, pornies? I am trying to ignore real life from now on, so I won’t be speaking about it unless it is strictly necessary. So let’s get straight to a manga that is not (pardon my bad joke, will you?).

"An addictive,
dramatic romance."
Print Length: 224 pages
Publisher: Tokyopop
Publication Date: April 9, 2019
ISBN-10: 1427860165
ISBN-13: 978-1427860163

I recently read Servant & Lord, by Lo and Lorinell Yu, a story that made me think as a read if I was in front of a toxic relationship or in a complex yet cute one. Turns out that it was a mix of both things, with the later being the prevalent. It was funny, it was dramatic and sexy when it had to be!

The story focuses on Christian, the son of a rich family who is interested in Daniel, the butler and his mentor. As time passes by and tragedy strikes him, Daniel has to remain with Christian’s family, dealing with his responsibilities and also with him, who doesn’t want to share Daniel with anyone else. The situation gets more complicated when the roles turn around and both men have to decide what will be of them and the relationship they have, in case they have one at all, that is.

I’ll say it again. This seemed to be a toxic relationship as I advanced in the reading. Christian seemed to be obsessed and Daniel, franckly, a jerk. However, when I was done with Servant & Lord, and looking in retrospective, I can see why and how the characters evolve that way, why they were made like that and understood the reasons for both their behavior and their actions. In reality, it is an addictive, dramatic romance.

The story is so well crafted that I lost track as I devoured one chapter after the other, wondering what will happen next and whether this would have a happily ever after or a tragic finale. Let me tell you guys you will be surprised, although a tiny part of me suspected it will end that way, which is not to say that it was predictable but that Lo and Lorinell Yu played with my heart. Don’t ever do that again, thank you.

I’m not a fan of classical aesthetic and the sharp lines, they took me out of the story in every single page, but when things got heavy i
I saw why the authors used them. The art matches the story perfectly, they fit together very well! My only complain is that I would have liked more plot development instead of those two big jumps in time. It could have made the story longer, yes, but would have showed more explicitly what was happening with the characters of Servant & Lord.

Lo and Lorinell Yu did a good job with this manga considering it is their first one. I will give then another chance in the future because of that but will have higher expectations that time. They have good ideas, can make intense scenes and develop realistic characters, but their style has to mature a bit to get really good and I know they can given the result in this first attempt.

If you are into drama, complicated relationships and a small dose of kink (I need more of that next time, by the way!) Then go ahead and read Servant & Lord.

Kinky regards, K!

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