Saturday, February 2, 2019

Sigil Presentation: Imbolc Sigil

Hi pornies!
Process of the Imbolc Sigil. Source.
First of all, Blessed Imbolc! I want to share with you the Imbolc Sigil I showed you in my instagram not long ago, although I know it is horribly late already for you to include it, but you may want to know what it is about and how I came with the idea.
Long story short: it came all of a sudden! I was sitting on my workplace, and I saw it in my mind. It took three attempts to get it right, but it turned out to be lovely to my sight!
When I did the first version, I didn't like the idea of three moons, so I took the small lines out of the design. Still, the second reminds me of a Christmas tree, or a WiFi network. Not what I was searching for. Then I thought: the light is not going up, is coming down from above. Bingo. I made some changes and voilà, a new sigil ready to be used!
How to use this sigil?
  • Trace it or draw it at the top of your candles. It a simbol of light, so put it as close to the flame as possible.
  • Trace it or draw it in a Brigid's cross, so you can charge anything you want with the light of Imbolc.
  • Trace it around you to bathe with light of Imbolc the space you will have your ritual in.
  • Any other use you can imagine!
Feel free to use it as you prefer and let me know about your results! I will be using it tonight for my ritual, and hope to know what your experience with it was like.
Kinky regards, K!

Connect with me on Instagram and Twitter!

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