Sunday, September 16, 2018

Book Review: Scripture, Ethics, and the Possibility of Same-Sex Relationships, by Karen R. Keen

Hi pornies! How are you?
I just finished reading “Scripture, Ethics, and the Possibility of Same-Sex Relationships,” by Karen R. Keen, and wanted to share my opinion with you. I’m not sure if this could be a review, maybe more a commentary, but either way, here it is.
The idea of same-sex relationships, just as with anything related to LGBT+ matters, seems unthinkable when viewed from a Christian perspective, that’s old news. What is surprising, and impressive just as much, is the work the author has done for this book. In short, it proves that same-sex relationships, marriage included, can be possible according the Bible itself. Yup, I did that face when I realized it.
Karen R. Keen did an extensive research for Scripture, Ethics, and the Possibility of Same-Sex Relationships and tried to present her arguments in a simple, direct way most of the time. However, I need to tell you that there are entire chapters that make no sense unless you are familiar with academic style. This is definitely a must.
During most the book, the author explains why the Bible could actually have nothing against homosexuality and how the cultural environment in which this was written could have influenced its content. She also explains how the Christian views on homosexuality have changed over time, and interprets with both verses of the Bible and scientific theory.
What I do not like is that there comes a point in Scripture, Ethics, and the Possibility of Same-Sex Relationships that science is put as if more important than religion and makes me think that Karen R. Keen took a little freedom in this argument. This doesn’t mean that everything she said before was false, but that that specific point wasn’t quite convincing for me. It is quite convenient, if you ask me, an easy way out.
Still, I think it represents a big progress in Christianity if this book could be conceived and published. The author discuses several ideas that often are considered when debating homosexuality in the context of the Church. Now, all we need is to spread the word about it and share it with those Traditionalists and square-minded people that really need it.
What do you think? I really would like to know your point of view in this topic. While it is true that this is now a witchcraft-related book, LGBT+ matters are also important for me and couldn’t help but write about it in here. ^^

Kinky regards, K!

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