Thursday, November 21, 2019

On the importance of therapy

Hello pornies, K over here.
Last night I had a mental breakdown, one of the worst I’ve had. I don’t want to give so many details, I said too much already, but one thing I can tell you for sure: never assume Witchcraft and meditation can replace therapy.
I have been in a mental roller coaster for more than ten years, and the only times I have been really good were when I could go and afford a psychologist. It helped me to keep my mind under control, to stay calm, think clearly.
I need it right now, I’ve need it for a long, long time, and I pretended that I keep going on without it, that music and Witchcraft would keep me okay until I could. Turns out, unsurprisingly, that they wouldn’t. They didn’t.
My is literally spinning right now for so many reasons I don’t want to go over them again. They are already causing enough trouble without mentioning them. What I know for sure is that I need help, now more than ever. This doesn’t change the fact that I have failed in what I wanted to have done at this point in my life, this doesn’t change that I feel like shit, more than never before, and doesn’t change either that there is no one around me I can trust about this. I have tried way too many times, and every time the result is the same. I am still in the shithole, in the gutter, as Oscar Wilde said, but there is just one star in the sky right now.

Please, please, please, if you have ever feel an inch of what I am writing here, go get therapy. Magic can help, but will help you only so much. Mental health is a time bomb, and last night mine exploded.