Saturday, April 20, 2019

Pornies, I need your help.

Hi everyone.

Yesterday I posted an important message on my Instagram. I am facing a hard situation and Im needing your help.

Long story short, I have no money and no job, and although I've been searching like a madman these days, I haven't found anything (yet,) and I need your help.

If you know about any remote job or company that needs a writer, editor or journalist, let me know and I will be forever grateful.

Here is the full message if you want to know the details. Thanks to all of you who have showed your support before and these days, it means a lot to me, and I will keep doing what I do, but before I need to bring food to the table and pay the rent.

Kinky regards, K.

Connect with me on Instagram and Twitter!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Manga Review: Star Collector Vol. 2, by Sophie Schönhammer and Anna B.

Hey there, pornies!

I hope you are feeling great today, because I sure am! I just read Star Collector Vol. 2, by Sophie Schönhammer and Anna B, and guess what? I need that kind of romance in my life!

The story hasn't changed that much, but there are real character and story development in this second volume. The scenes felt real although they were so charged with sweetness and cuteness. There was a healthy dose of reality in the chapters that made them all the more interesting.

I admit I expected a bit more drama because of how things seemed to be, thought that maybe there was a darker side of this character (I'm not saying which one!) that could cause such an insecurity, but it also teaches us that some times we see big problems where there is actually nothing to worry about. The same goes for the infamous coming-out topic. We may expect something, but they could turn out to be something entirely different, as reflected in this volume. This came to be a more balanced book because of that.

Sophie Schönhammer and Anna B. proved again how a good due they are, how their ideas match one another and that you can trust them when it comes to yaoi and gay romance in general. Although I'm sad Star Collector Vol. 2 was the final one in this story, I'm eager to read something else from these girls! I've only read this series so far, but I know they are a promising duo. Keep an eye to see what they come up with next!

The art, again, was incredible. This time it was more emotional than in the first volume, and the creators used classical panels and images with their own twists on them, such as having an almost pornographic scene but that also kept the sweetness that marks this story. They never let the tone change either in the script or in the art, and that's important if you ask me.

Again, stop waisting your time and grab a copy of Star Collector Vol. 2. 
You will not regret it at all. Romance, kink, drama, a bit of comedy and realism to make you daydream and remember that love still exists (despite cupid's a jerk now and then, mind you.)

Kinky regards, K!

Connect with me on Instagram and Twitter!

Friday, April 12, 2019

Manga Review: Star Collector Vol. 1, by Sophie Schönhammer and Anna B.

Hi pornies!

It has been a long time since I reviewed a manga, and it because I couldn’t resonate with one. They were just the same old story with nothing new to offer. However, and as ironic as it sounds, I come to speak about one that gives us the sweet cliché of bad boy meets falls in love with nerdy boy.
Fynn has always been lazy: his favorite activities are skipping class, smoking, and lounging around. When his girlfriend breaks up with him, telling him to try doing something else for a change, he has no idea where to even start. One night, on a walk around the neighborhood, he comes across Niko stargazing on a hill. Niko wants nothing to do with this chain-smoking, loud-mouthed guy getting in the way of his astronomy— but Fynn is intrigued.
What's up with this nerdy boy who loves to watch the stars, and why is Fynn so captivated by him?
Star Collector, Vol. 1, by Sophie Schönhammer and Anna B., recovers the sweetness of love at first sight and makes you dream with all of its scenes. I actually found myself sighing and daydreaming about living the story of Flynn and Niko!

I thought I would just give is a glimpse, see what it was about, and all of a sudden I was finishing the first volume. What in the name was that? I’m an avid reader, I admit it, but time passed me by and I didn’t even notice! How many times can you say that about a manga?

I fell in love with the simplicity of the story, how straight-to-the-point it was and how direct were the characters as well. There are no fillers, no secondary plots, and although I like more development, Star Collector, Vol. 1 was exactly what I needed right now. Hey, we all need a sugar-coated love story now and then.

The art was pretty nice. Although I always complain about manga saying that they should be colored and not only B&W, this one actually looks fine the way it is. All the characters reflect what they are and are meant to be in the story in their design. They feel familiar as soon as you start reading, like those friends you meet by accident and make you say I’m gonna like this human.

Go grab a copy already if you want to live this sweet and cute story of a bad guy who falls for the nerd. They are made for each other, truly, and although I want to picture myself as Flynn, I h-a-t-e smoking, so that’s leaves me as the nerd, which I’m totally fine with after reading Star Collector, Vol. 1. Do the same and you won't regret reading it. Pinky promise.

Kinky regards, K!

Connect with me on Instagram and Twitter!